Founded In    1993
Published   semiannually
Language(s)   Chinese

Fields of Interest


Literatures in English

ISSN   1024-2856
Affiliated Organization   English and American Literature Association of TAIWAN
Publisher   Bookman Books, Ltd.
Editorial Board

Ping-chia Feng.
Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University

Editorial board:
Eva Yin-i Chen Professor of Department of English, National Chengchi University
Wen-ching Ho Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Feng Chia University
I-ping Liang Professor of Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University
Yu-chen Lin Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University
Ching-hsi Perng Distinguished Professor of English and Drama of National Taiwan University
Tsu-chung Su Professor of Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University

Advisory board:
Ying-Hsiung Chou   Emeritus Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chiao Tung University
Yu-cheng Lee   Distinguished Research Fellow and Director of Institute of American and European Studies, Academia Sinica
Te-Hsing Shan   Research Fellow and Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, Academia Sinica
Rey Chow               Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Modern Culture & Media Studies, Comparative Literature, and English
William Tay   Chair Professor of Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Sau-ling Cynthia Wong   Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley



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C.The author of the acknowledged manuscript will be presented with five latest issues.

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a.The title of any book, journal, film, or painting in Chinese should be quoted with 《》. Titles in western languages should be italicized. For example: 《在理論的年代》by Lee Yu-cheng, 《歐洲雜誌》、the French children film 《大雨大雨一直下》, 《葛爾尼卡》by Picasso, Matrix, and Portnoy’s Complaint.
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c.Any names or titles of people, books, or translated works quoting in the manuscripts for the first time should be noted with the original language in parenthesis. For examples: 拉岡<Jacques Lacan>, 《人性污點》(Human Stain), <支持阿爾及利亞> (“Taking a Stand for Algeria”). However, commonly known foreign names (like “Shakespeare”) or nouns (like “postmodernism”) require no notes.
d.Numbers and year should be written in Chinese characters; page numbers and published year of the cited works should be written in Arabic numerals. For example: 「經濟學家在十八世紀末首次被視為自成一類。到了一七九○年,偉大的英國哲學家兼政治家勃爾克(Edmund Burke)就已預見了歐洲的未來,並為之哀嘆不已,他說道:『騎士時代一去不復回,如今詭辯家、經濟學家與謀略家當道;歐洲的榮光永滅了。』」(1985:3).
e.Information of the bibliography should be quoted with the parenthesis in the manuscripts. For example, “(Ondaatje 75)” or “(Dissemination 236).” If different books or essays of an author are quoted more than once, note their title or year of publication. For example, “(Said 1978:7).” If different works of an author in the same year are quoted, note “a,” “b,” and “c” after the year of publication. For example, “(Derrida 1996a:68).”
f.Footnotes are only for supplementary exposition. Please list the bibliography after the main text. For the form of bibliography, please refer to the latest edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.

Mailing Address

Department of English, Tamkang University
151 Ying-chuan Road
Tamsui, Taipei County
Taiwan 25137, R.O.C.
Phone: 886-2-26215656 ext. 2006 Fax: 886-2-26209912

REAL: Review of English and American Literature [Yingmei wenxue pinglun]

Review of English and American Literature (REAL) is a journal of the English and American Literature Association of the Republic of China founded in 1993. REAL is published by Bookman Books Ltd. biannually (June and December) and is devoted to publishing innovative research results concerning English and American literature written in Mandarin Chinese. REAL was rated as the first-class journal by the National Science Council of Taiwan in 2003. Contributions from domestic and foreign researchers of English and American literatures are welcomed.


» Visit Journal Web Site

June 2016ALTTEXT, Volume 28

Movement from the Edge of Knowledge: Literary Secrecy between Jacques Derrida and Toni Morrison

This essay reads Jacques Derrida and Toni Morrison side by side, with a view to meditating on the meaning (or non-meaning) of the secret, and exploring literature's symbiotic relationship with secrecy. Reading a series of Derrida's and Morrison's works related to the topic of "the secret," which include Derrida's "Responding to/Answering for: The Secret" (1991b), "Passions: 'An Oblique Offering'" (1992) and "Literature in Secret" (1999b); and Morrison's "A Knowing So Deep" (1985), Playing in the Dark (1992), her Nobel Lecture in Literature (1993) and "The Future of Time" (1996), I argue that secrecy does not pose an epistemic obstacle or hermeneutic limit to either Morrison or Derrida. Rather, comparing the process of literary creation to "playing in the dark," Morrison finds in the darkness of the secret a threshold time-space of literary "becoming," while Derrida explicitly advocates the idea that literature is "in place of the secret" or literature "responds to the secret" in order to drive forward a future dimension of avenir. Derrida is concerned about a secret that hides nothing, a secret without depth. For him, literature is capable of keeping (the life of) the secret not because literature has to conceal knowledge but because "literarity" makes literature as unfathomable and elusive as the secret in relationship to meaning. Contentions like these find strong resonance in Morrison's works. Indeed, both Morrison and Derrida seek in "the secret" the force to cut open existing cognitive systems; both also consider literary practices valuable as long as these practices are able to ride on the cognitive opening of the secret for generating movement from the edge of knowledge.

In the Name of Love In the Name of Love: Decoding the Secret in Sebastian Barry's The Secret Scripture

Adopting psychoanalysis in conjunction with affect theory, this tri-part essay explores the decoding of secrets in Sebastian Barry's The Secret Scripture. Part one engages Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok's notion of "the transgenerational phantom" and Sarah Ahmed's theory of national love to interpret Roseanne's incarceration in an asylum, a social tomb of some kind, since she is deemed incapable of reciprocating the love of the nation because of her family background and her beauty, and is thus regarded as a social disgrace. Part two is devoted to Dr. Grene's trauma caused by the failure of his love, as is revealed in the blind spots in his assessment of Roseanne's sanity. Although he regains his love for life through Roseanne's inspiration, this happy ending is achieved at the cost of plausibility. This problem leads to a reconsideration of Barry's agenda in Part Three. This author argues that, in resisting national love through personal love, Barry is exercising a politics of love at the expense of the ethical dimension of memory.

World Literature or Literature as Worlding Project

Literary study is undergoing a silent revolution, with its objectives, subjects, approaches being challenged and redefined. This article, in four different sections, reviews and assesses these changes to evaluate the impacts they have made on the literary studies in Taiwan. In Section one, I try to comprehend the recent turn taken by American comparatists and Americanists towards either World Literature or Transnationalism as an effort simply to resolve disciplinary crises. In Section two, I review the propositions made by postcolonial scholars, specifically Edward Said, Homi Bhabha, and Gayatri Spivak, as they embraced or proposed such concepts as worldliness, the "worldly," the "planetary" in an attempt to flesh out their collective desire to put into practice an ethical vision of the aporetic "yet-to-come." With this notion of the "yet-to-come" in mind, I then analyze, in the final section, the ambivalence embedded within the rhetorical structure of two contemporary novels of (un)growth to substantiate my argument that the recent turn towards "world literature" is about conjuring a world that is yet-to-come, uncertain and hesitant as it is, through a "worlding" project in the sense defined by Spivak. Less canon-making than a practice of close reading, the "worlding" of literary studies demands us to read, translate, and retranscribe those difficult moments in the text closely and attentively so that, through this encounter with the "double-bind" in which aesthetics and politics are trapped, we may come to recognize ourselves otherwise, while bring into presence a newness of the world.

Echo Chamber

To Compare, or to Worlding? Whither Will Literature Be?

After-thoughts: Placing Literature in the Contemporary

What many of us consider to be the contemporary crisis of literary studies is to a significant extent precipitated by the prevailing managerial mechanism in academia undergirded by neoliberalism, on the one hand, and the sweeping impacts of digital technologies, on the other hand. These two in effect operate via a similar logic: the logic of immediacy. We may even argue that underlying popular propositions about literary studies today, such as world literature, is in a sense this obsession with immediacy: obsession with gaining an effective grasp of what is far away and unfamiliar. Premised on this observation, this article suggests that to ponder the exigency of literary scholarship today is to think a temporality that works differently from the regime of immediacy. Specifically the article proposes to draw on the Agambenian conception of contemporaneity and the Benjaminian notion of citability, both in the sense of allowing meaning of the contemporary to arrive later, a delay that can nevertheless mediate our self-reflection and self-critique in the face of the lure of immediacy. Whereas propositions like world literature are predicated on positivistic parameters, an ethos of delayed after-thought, the article contends, stands as a more progressive register by which to ponder the valence of literary studies in our times──an ethos the article would like to regard as the thrust of comparative literature.

"After-thoughts: The Place of Literature in the Contemporary": Some Scatter Thoughts

Orientation and Asian Literature: A Conversation with Rob Wilson

Reflections on Anglo-American Literary Studies in Taiwan, 2015

In Memoriam Prof. I-lu Teng

Other Issues

120423, Volume 43
061523, Volume 42
122022, Volume 41
062022, Volume 40
December 2016, Volume 29
December 2015ALTTEXT, REAL Volume 27
June 2015ALTTEXT, Volume 26
December 2010, Issue 17
Senses and Literature, Volume 16
Homing and Housing, Volume 23
Special Topic: The Fantastic, Volume 24
Translation and Literatures in English, Volume 25
Jun 2013, Volume 22
Beyond the Canon, Volume 21
Trauma and Literature, Volume 20
Time Matters, Volume 19
Everydayness, Volume 18
Everydayness, Volume 18
Review of English and American Literature [Yingmei Wenxue Pinglun] vol. 15 December 2009, Volume 15
Word, Image, Space, Vol 14
Landscape and Literature, Vol 13
Local color of modern landscape, Volume 12
Review of English and American Literature [Yingmei Wenxue Pinglun] vol. 11, Volume 11
The City in English and American Literature, Volume 10
Global English Literature, Volume 9
Innocence and manifest destiny, Volume 8
Modernism, Volume 7
, Volume 6
Renaissance: between innovation and tradition, Volume 5
Innocence and Manifest Destiny: The Core Issue of American Literature , Issue 8