Founded In    1994
Published   3/year
Language(s)   Italian, English Abstracts

Fields of Interest


Literature, History, Political Science, Cinema, Music. Journal also publishes poetry and short fiction (in the original language, side-by-side with Italian translations) as well as interviews with writers, critics, scholars, etc.

ISSN   88-88865-15-2
Editorial Board


Bruno Cartosio, Giorgio Mariani, Alessandro Portelli


Annalucia Accardo, Sara Antonelli, Roberto Cagliero, Erminio Corti, Sonia Di Loreto, Ferdinando Fasce, Donatella Izzo, Mario Maffi, Cristina Mattiello, Stefano Rosso, Anna Scannavini, Cinzia Scarpino, Cinzia Schiavini

Submission Guidelines and Editorial Policies
  • Two hard copies of proposed article.
  • An electronic copy (either Word or RTF) of the article (not as an e-mail attachment)
  • A brief biographical note of approximately 250 characters, as a separate file and on a separate sheet of paper.
  • An abstract of approximately 600 characters. (in English)


Rivista internazionale di studi nordamericani
acoma 37

For fourteen years —  the first issue was published in the Spring of 1994 — Ácoma (originally published by Giunti Editore, in Florence, and now by Shake Edizioni, in Milano) has characterized itself as an “international journal of North-American Studies“ with a special interest in those social, political, and cultural realities overlooked by commonsensical approaches to the North-American universe. The journal is committed to a rigorous reading and re-reading of texts and narrations, histories and fashions and shuns both unconditional praise and prejudicial hostility towards the U.S. In the issues of Ácoma (named after the oldest inhabited settlement in the United States) we have published so far, readers can find essays on the ethnic literatures of the U.S., on Bruce Springsteen, on the death penalty, on Appalachian culture, on E. A. Poe and Toni Morrison, on current political discourse in the US, on the re-election of George Bush, Jr., on the novels of Henry James, on contemporary poetry, on Philip K. Dick and cyberpunk, on Afro-American women, on Hawaian literature, on Malcolm X, on Paul Auster. We have also interviewed major writers and critics, Sacvan Bercovitch and Sherman Alexie, Leslie Marmon Silko and Paul De Man, and we have also published a vast array of literary texts by Grace Paley, Emily Dickinson, Raymond Carver, and many, many others.



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Winter-Spring 2006, issue 32

Sovversioni materiche. Corpi e politiche del corpo nella teoria culturale contemporanea

Il closet e la finestra, ovvero “What’s Love Got to Do with It”? Note su Brokeback Mountain

"Mi baciò con cattiveria, da spaccarmi praticamente il labbro". Le rappresentazioni della violenza nell'opera di Grace Paley

Quartetto di “J” per autrice e lettrice. Female Man di Joanna Russ

Mr. Bush e il divino

La Crisis in Church tra media e politica

Introduzione a Richard Grusin

Affetto, medialità e Abu Ghraib

Risposte a Richard Grusin: Francesca Pasquali, Rossella Rega, Alessandra Marzola, Giorgio Mariani

Lo specchio osceno del conflitto

Nella prigione del gender: Lynndie, Jessica e le altre

Creole gumbo: la vita segreta di New Orleans

Come nasce un premio Pulitzer: Middlesex di Jeffrey Eugenides

Other Issues

Autumn 2008, issue 37
Summer 2008, issue 36
Winter 2008, issue 35
Summer 2007, issue 34
Winter 2007, issue 33
Winter 2005, issue 31
Winter 2004, Issue 29/30